Friday, 14 March, 2025

Lively Conversations On Life, Church, and Church-Life

Leadership Training Videos

New Episode
Wednesday, 10 AM Central

Tag: training

Effective Church Membership: Some churches have done away with church membership … let’s be honest, the only ones who really count today are those who actually show up (and in most churches, that’s well less than 50 percent of their Read more…

Irresistible InvitationsWe’ve heard it – and many of us have pushed it – from the pulpit for years: the number one way to get an un-churched or never-churched person to come to church is through a personal invitation. But instead Read more…

Just how friendly do you think your church is to first-time visitors? How friendly does your congregation think it is? We’ve never met a church that admitted they were unfriendly to guests, but the reality is … that’s more of a norm than you probably imagine. But you can’t fix what everyone thinks is working just fine. In this episode Drs. Kris and Bill offer you and your congregation the Secret Shopper tool that will help you get to the truth about hospitality.

Teaching Your Congregation to Pray. In Matthew, the disciples didn’t ask Jesus “how” to pray, they asked “teach us to pray.” Prayer is the cornerstone spiritual practice for the church, but we can no longer presume our members are doing much of it. This week, Drs. Kris and Bill will offer specific how-tos for increasing the amount of prayer by your membership.