Wednesday, 05 February, 2025

Lively Conversations On Life, Church, and Church-Life

Leadership Training Videos

New Episode
Wednesday, 10 AM Central

Tag: ministry

It’s not now, nor has it ever been, the church’s job to make disciples out of children. From the beginning, that task has fallen to the parents. However, with fewer adults raised in the church, how to raise up the kids to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ is fast becoming a lost art. In this episode, Drs. Kris and Bill offer specific tips and tools for helping your church leaders train parents to disciple their children. 

Reworking Women’s MinistryWomen have been the backbone of the church from the beginning (note that the Gospels mention that it was the women who were supporting Jesus’ ministry). But too many women’s ministries are dying out as the average age Read more…

Doing Men’s MinistryGetting a good men’s ministry going in one of the most difficult and fruitless ministries around. Too often, men’s groups do little more than have breakfast, cook the Easter Sunrise Pancake Feed, and take care of the annual Read more…

Already Gone – Why Your Kids Will Leave Church Few of us can contest the fact that our children and youth are leaving the Church (not just our congregations). This week Drs. Kris and Bill look at the latest studies Read more…