Sunday, 22 December, 2024

Lively Conversations On Life, Church, and Church-Life

Leadership Training Videos

New Episode
Wednesday, 10 AM Central

Tag: conflict

Building AlliancesChanging the culture of a church is a team effort. In churches averaging less than 300 in worship, that team is more than just the staff and key leaders … it takes congregational buy-in. But in churches under 200, Read more…

There are a lot of Conflict Management courses and experts “out there” in the world, and some of it has made it’s way into the church. And though it may seem like semantics, the New Testament model of dealing with conflict isn’t about managing it … it isn’t even about resolving it. Matthew, the conflict gospel, writes that Christian (and the church’s) response to conflict is reconciliation. In this episode, Drs. Bill and Kris explore the four-step model for conflict reconciliation for the church … it’s tried, it’s true, and it works!

The keystone to both avoiding and resolving church conflicts is the development, adoption, and implementation of a congregational covenant of behaviors – better known as Expected Behaviors. We’ve called it the Missing Link in the church’s DNA. In this episode, Drs. Bill and Kris will explore why Expected Behaviors are necessary and offer the steps for building them into your congregation.

From Here to There: The First Third. There are three distinct segments of church transformation. During the first third the past is still in sight and the Promised Land is too far to see. In this episode, Drs. Kris and Bill discuss the trials and tribulations when getting started in church transformation. (Part one of a three part series.)