Tuesday, 11 March, 2025

Lively Conversations On Life, Church, and Church-Life

Leadership Training Videos

New Episode
Wednesday, 10 AM Central

Tag: children

What To Do When … Kids hate Church Let’s be honest. Little ones have little use for adult worship. They don’t understand the words to the songs, let alone the ones coming out of the preacher’s mouth. The prayers and Read more…

The Five S’s of a Great Nursery. It’s been said that only two “programs” grow a church: Relevant, indigenous worship and excellent children’s programming. Children’s programming begins in the nursery. In today’s cultural climate, if your church is serious about reaching young families (or grandparents with local grandkids, for that matter), your nursery had better be “up to snuff” in the Five S’s – Staff, Safety, Sanitary, Security, and Sizzle. In this episode, Drs. Bill and Kris will help you and your congregation know what it takes to make a positive impression on young parents.

More and more churches are shutting down their Sunday School programs because they can’t get adults to bring their children. Other churches just keep limping along, trying to expand from two or three kids. In this episode, Drs. Kris and Bill will dig deep to find some alternatives that are working around the nation. Whether you need to move Sunday School to the worship hour, create a children’s small-group program, or rework the program you have, this is a don’t-miss episode. 

The church has been busy teaching children the basic stories of the Bible for decades – but we’ve neglected to train our children to be effective disciples of Jesus Christ. Prayer, scripture reading, encouragement, mission, and faith sharing seem to be spiritual disciplines reserved for adults. And yet who hasn’t been touched by the genuine faith of a child? In this episode Drs. Bill and Kris with guest Donna Rose-Heim (author of Dream Walking for Kids) offer tools for helping your children make real connections with God.