Wednesday, 26 February, 2025

Lively Conversations On Life, Church, and Church-Life

Leadership Training Videos

New Episode
Wednesday, 10 AM Central

Category: Church Growth

Got a Stuck Church? Here are tools to get out of the rut and into the fast lane.

There will be two main audiences attending your Easter services this year. Your faithful members who wouldn’t miss it and those who come kicking and screaming because someone dragged (or bribed, or coerced, or nagged, or …) them to church. In this episode, Drs. Bill and Kris offer some tips and tactics for planning an Easter that could make a difference to both groups.

Just how friendly do you think your church is to first-time visitors? How friendly does your congregation think it is? We’ve never met a church that admitted they were unfriendly to guests, but the reality is … that’s more of a norm than you probably imagine. But you can’t fix what everyone thinks is working just fine. In this episode Drs. Kris and Bill offer you and your congregation the Secret Shopper tool that will help you get to the truth about hospitality.

Super Bowl Sunday is nearly as holy and festive as Christmas and Easter to many men … if not to most men. Getting men interested, yet alone involved, in church is one of the most difficult tasks facing the church. In this episode, Drs. Bill and Kris step gingerly onto this sacred ground to share what’s working … and what’s not … in reaching men today.

The church has it’s own “calendar” that is almost antithetical to the cultural calendar. In fact, many church leaders have abandoned the church year in favor of the calendar year. And though they have some excellent reasons for doing so, there can be significant value in revisiting the church’s ancient heritage. In this episode, Drs. Kris and Bill explore how to connect the church year with the cultural year without doing violence to either.