Make or Break Your Church in 365 Days (or Less!) Effective pastors of growing churches do things differently than other pastors, and their churches do things differently. But it doesn’t end there. Not only do they do things differently, they Read more…
Category: Church Growth
Got a Stuck Church? Here are tools to get out of the rut and into the fast lane.
Self-Esteem in the Small Church. It’s been noted that many small churches suffer from a low self-image. This manifests with a lack of enthusiasm and members who don’t invite their friends, relatives, acquaintances, neighbors, co-workers, or anyone else to worship with them. In this episode, Drs. Kris and Bill offer tips to bolster your congregation’s self-esteem.
HELPING VISITORS TAKE THE NEXT STEP You’ve ratcheted up your hospitality, so your first time visitors are returning, but what’s next? Studies show that if a guest hasn’t developed significant relationships within the church within six to nine months, odds Read more…
Irresistible InvitationsWe’ve heard it – and many of us have pushed it – from the pulpit for years: the number one way to get an un-churched or never-churched person to come to church is through a personal invitation. But instead Read more…