This is one of those “They didn’t teach me that in seminary or Bible school” episodes. Few pastors are prepared for the reality that if there is money to raise that the buck is ultimately going to stop with them. In this episode, Drs. Kris and Bill with guest Clif Christopher (author of Not Your Parents’ Offering Plate) provide tools, tips, and insights to help pastors keep ministry in the black.
Category: Leadership
Developing Leaders for Ministry. We’ve never found a church who complained they had too many leaders … in fact, the opposite is the rule. But what can you do when 20 percent are doing 80 percent of ministry and the 20 percenters are tired? In this episode, Drs. Bill and Kris provide guidance for discovering the hidden leadership well in your congregation. This episode includes material from Bill T-B and Bill Easum’s upcoming book on staffing for the effective church (to be released in 2012 by Baker Books).
The keystone to both avoiding and resolving church conflicts is the development, adoption, and implementation of a congregational covenant of behaviors – better known as Expected Behaviors. We’ve called it the Missing Link in the church’s DNA. In this episode, Drs. Bill and Kris will explore why Expected Behaviors are necessary and offer the steps for building them into your congregation.
Can’t find leaders for your upcoming small groups? It might not be that you have a lack of leaders, but that you need a different way to raise them up. In this episode, Drs. Bill and Kris introduce a leadership development plan that can bring your small groups explosive growth.