We just saw this stat: 47 percent of Millennial Christians believe it’s wrong to share their faith with others. Not 47 percent of Millennials, 47 percent of CHRISTIAN Millennials. That’s a staggering statistic … but let’s be honest, it’s not Read more…
Category: Leadership
The pandemic pushed many (most) US churches into the future. Some went kicking and screaming as they launched streaming worship services. Some were almost ready anyway. And some had been ahead of the rest in their streaming technology and experience. Read more…
Believe it or not, Christians aren’t well known for being great communicators. In fact, we have a fairly wide reputation as being argumentative, closed minded, and biased. In this episode, Drs. Kris and Bill have a conversation (?) a discussion Read more…
Effective Church Membership: Some churches have done away with church membership … let’s be honest, the only ones who really count today are those who actually show up (and in most churches, that’s well less than 50 percent of their Read more…