Being a Non-Anxious Presence. When facing difficult circumstances, maintaining a non-anxious presence is one of the keys to minimizing angst when leading any change – from a congregational transformation to rearranging the fellowship hall. In this episode, Drs. Bill and Kris offer guidance on how to achieve this illusive behavior. With special guest, Church-Talk’s own on-call counselor, Dr. Bob Eichenberger.
Category: Discipleship
Youth Groups that Change Lives. It’s an axiom that youth leave the church by the time they become young adults. Isn’t there something the church can do? The answer is a resounding “Yes!” In this episode, Drs. Bill and Kris bring words of hope and tips that work for transforming youth to lifelong disciples of Jesus. This week Mariah Weyand from Hannibal First Christian Church, featured in Net Results and at the National Evangelism Workshop, will join us to share her insights in youth discipleship.
Teaching with Today’s Technologies. Even in remote, rural areas technology has encroached into our member’s homes, schools, and workplaces. This week Drs. Kris and Bill explore how to integrate technology into your congregation’s learning processes.
Individuals aren’t the only ones who grieve. When a congregation experiences loss, whether their beloved pastor of thirty-two years has retired, the church matriarch has died … or quit the church, or the building burned down, grieving is a reality. However, few church leaders are equipped to deal with it. This week, Drs. Kris and Bill explore congregational grief and how to lead a congregation for hurt t healing.