Saturday, 27 July, 2024

Lively Conversations On Life, Church, and Church-Life

Leadership Training Videos

New Episode
Wednesday, 10 AM Central

Is Your Church Living a Lie? Discovering True Values

July 3, 2024 Bill Tenny-Brittian

Join us for another lively conversation with Drs. Kris and Bill as they uncover the real priorities driving your church. They’ll explore how to spot the difference between what you say you value and what you actually prioritize. Using practical Read more…

Cooking Up a Transition: From Chaplaincy to Transformation

June 26, 2024 Bill Tenny-Brittian

The vast majority of churches in the United States seem to have embraced the model of congregational chaplaincy. The church hired the pastor to take care of the flock. The problem with that model is that it’s not biblical and Read more…

The Event Creation Workshop

May 29, 2024 Bill Tenny-Brittian

It’s that time of year when planning summer, fall, and event winter events is upon us. Instead of creating events that only a few neighbors attend, and virtually nobody shows up for worship as a result, Drs. Kris and Bill will show you how to create events that will allow Read more…

Reach and Impressions – Make Them Count

May 22, 2024 Bill Tenny-Brittian

If you are a marketing pro, you already know the difference between Impressions and reach. Impressions are the number of times a particular ad is displayed, and reach is the number of people who connected with that ad in some meaningful way. When it comes to the church, the effectiveness of your Read more…

The Avatar Creation Strategy You Can’t Ignore

October 11, 2023 Bill Tenny-Brittian

Don’t miss our next episode of ChurchTalk.TV where we’ll dive into the transformative power of Outreach Avatars for church growth. We’ll explore why understanding your target audience is crucial, break down the elements of an effective Outreach Avatar, and share Read more…

Holiday Planning For Maximum Outreach

September 27, 2023 Bill Tenny-Brittian

Don’t let another holiday season pass you by with the same old, same old. It’s time to shift gears and supercharge your outreach like never before! Join Drs. Kris and Bill for an eye-opening discussion that will transform how you Read more…

Three To Do’s for Increasing Your Visitor Count

August 30, 2023 Bill Tenny-Brittian

(Not Great Audio … Tech Issues … sorry!) Let’s be clear … It’s really hard to grow a church when few visitors show up. And the truth is, if you’ve been depending on your members to do the inviting – Read more…

Why Isn’t the Church Inspiring Culture Anymore?

August 2, 2023 Bill Tenny-Brittian

There’s really no doubt. The church has largely last any influence it used to have on our culture. Doubtless, there are a lot of reasons for this – and this week, Drs. Kris and Bill have a particularly lively discussion Read more…

Gaining and Keeping Volunteers

July 13, 2024 Bill Tenny-Brittian

Volunteers are the backbone of the church. In this episode, Drs. Kris and Bill speak with Stephanie Bice Kelsey who has years of experience as a volunteer coordinator in one of the largest churches in the US. Stephanie shares how Read more…

From Pews to Zoos: Your Church Decision Makers

March 27, 2024 Bill Tenny-Brittian

Every church has more than its fair share of bullies – I call them Rats in my Herding Cats book. The truth is, it only takes one to make life on earth a bit of hell for the pastor and Read more…

The Art of Transformative Sermons

March 13, 2024 Bill Tenny-Brittian

Join Drs. Kris and Bill for a lively conversation on crafting sermons that resonate deeply, presenting simple solutions to complex problems, and embedding actionable calls to action for transformative impacts. Discover the 10 things your sermon must and must not Read more…

Maximize Your Sermon’s Impact with AI

March 6, 2024 Bill Tenny-Brittian

Every week, you sweat bullets to create a sermon that invites your church members and guests to live a transformed life. But studies have shown, all that work you’ve done is little more than a foggy memory by Monday and Read more…

Mission! Mission! Mission!

July 8, 2024 Bill Tenny-Brittian

This week Drs. Kris and Bill have a lively conversation about “Capital M” Mission – and how to make your church’s mission the #1 priority. Grab this weeks free resource at: Podcast Version

Cooking Up a Transition: From Chaplaincy to Transformation

June 26, 2024 Bill Tenny-Brittian

The vast majority of churches in the United States seem to have embraced the model of congregational chaplaincy. The church hired the pastor to take care of the flock. The problem with that model is that it’s not biblical and Read more…

Worship For the Ages

June 5, 2024 Bill Tenny-Brittian

The reality is, many of our smaller churches are filled with grandparents and great-grandparents, with a smattering of younger Generations. Trying to create a worship service that reaches across the generational divides is difficult in the best of times, but Read more…

Getting Started … Growing Churches

May 15, 2024 Bill Tenny-Brittian

Ever wonder why so many church growth initiatives fail? It’s because there’s a lack of strategy in most of them. In this episode, Drs. Kris and Bill have a lively conversation about  The core strategy that it takes to grow Read more…

Gaining and Keeping Volunteers

July 13, 2024 Bill Tenny-Brittian

Volunteers are the backbone of the church. In this episode, Drs. Kris and Bill speak with Stephanie Bice Kelsey who has years of experience as a volunteer coordinator in one of the largest churches in the US. Stephanie shares how Read more…

Team Work Makes the Dream Work

April 24, 2024 Bill Tenny-Brittian

Christianity is not and never has been a solo sport. There is no Christianity without the church. Similarly, church leadership is not a solo sport. There is no church without a team – or teams. However, in most churches, there is some serious role confusion Read more…

From Slogan to Strategy: Your Mission Statement Matters

April 3, 2024 Bill Tenny-Brittian

Join Drs. Kris and Bill as they dive into the crucial topic of crafting an effective church mission statement. They’ll explore what sets a great mission statement apart, how to anchor it in biblical principles, and how to make it Read more…

Three Easter Dilemmas

February 14, 2024 Bill Tenny-Brittian

Easter’s coming … the busiest, most stressful time of the year for most pastors. Let’s face it, there’s a lot on the line – it’s likely the best attended worship service you’ll have all year! But then comes the let-down: Read more…