Thursday, 16 January, 2025

Lively Conversations On Life, Church, and Church-Life

Leadership Training Videos

New Episode
Wednesday, 10 AM Central

Tag: womm

Want to grow your church exponentially? Want to know the number one secret of fast growing churches? Wish you had mega bucks so you could become a mega church, or at least a larger church than you are? Then this is the episode for you. Drs. Bill and Kris will share how you can make it easy, or at least a lot easier, for your members to invite their friends, relatives, acquaintances, neighbors, co-workers, and everyone else.

Resurrecting Church GrowthChurch Growth has pretty much taken it on the chin. From the darling of the sixties and seventies, the whole movement was pretty much tossed aside by the nineties as so-much snake oil. But did we throw the Read more…