When it comes to marketing, your building isn’t your most valuable resource. It’s your sign. Your sign in your employee who stands out there by the street, come rain or shine, and invites every passerby to join your congregation for Read more…
Tag: current
There are a lot of resources out there for you, pastor who wants to turnaround their church. But where do you start? A quick Google search will give you over 33.5 Million web pages of all kinds of “stuff” for Read more…
Churches have been reopening now for many months, mostly to great disappointment. So many church members and pastors believed that there would be a flood of relieved church members and guests rushing back to fellowship, worship, and in-house worship only Read more…
Everything your church does has eternal consequences. Lives and souls and families and eternities hang in the balance. With that in mind, do your really think that a cadre of mere volunteers have the commitment level and the expertise to Read more…