Targeted Technology Part 1: Understanding the GenerationsThe first technological breakthrough may have been a sharp stick by Homo erectus and it seems to have served them well for a couple hundred thousand years, but when it comes to worship in Read more…
Category: Leadership
Targeted Technology Part 1: Understanding the GenerationsThe first technological breakthrough may have been a sharp stick by Homo erectus and it seems to have served them well for a couple hundred thousand years, but when it comes to worship in Read more…
Making Course CorrectionsIt’s been said that churches have a life cycle from birth to death. That’s hard to dispute in a nation that’s expected to close 150,000 churches in the next decade … and with 41 churches closing every day, Read more…
One of the most common questions we get is: “I know what I’m supposed to do as a church leader, but I’m an introvert. How am I supposed to grow my church?” Believe it or not, Dr. Kris in not just an introvert, she’s a shy introvert … and yet, she’s successfully led in church planting, church transformation and growth, and judicatory transformation as well. In this episode, she and Dr. Bill will explore the realities and the how-tos of the shy and the introverted as effective growth leaders.