There’s more to developing faith than listening to sermons and reading a book. And though there’s been a lot of talk about mentoring for spiritual development, there’s a paucity of how-to information. In this episode, Drs. Bill and Kris tackle the tough task of helping faith take root and bloom.
Category: Leadership
The Leadership Covenant: And Why Churches Need One In many churches, leaders are recruited using the 2W Principle: Are they Willing and do they have a Warm Body. Then the church wonders why it can’t get these leaders to get Read more…
Extend Your Leadership Base: The One Person, One Passion, One Position PolicyOne of the top issues churches face is leadership. There are never enough leaders, and those you have are exhausted because they all have to do too much. But Read more…
What To Do When … Your Church is DyingIt’s a bitter pill to swallow, but sometimes all the prayers in the world will not resuscitate the dying nor resurrect the dead. Churches have a life cycle and closing its doors Read more…