Monday, 17 March, 2025

Lively Conversations On Life, Church, and Church-Life

Leadership Training Videos

New Episode
Wednesday, 10 AM Central

Category: Discipleship

There’s more to being an effective small group leader than presenting a prepared lesson. In fact, some of the greatest small group leaders don’t “teach” anything – they facilitate. In this episode, Drs. Bill and Kris offer an overview of how to be an effective small group leader no matter what kind of group you’re in.

Think teams are only for mega churches? Think again. Even the smallest church can improve its effectiveness by adopting the team approach. This week, Drs. Kris and Bill explore how to use teams and how to make the shift from committees to teams.

Teaching Your Congregation to Pray. In Matthew, the disciples didn’t ask Jesus “how” to pray, they asked “teach us to pray.” Prayer is the cornerstone spiritual practice for the church, but we can no longer presume our members are doing much of it. This week, Drs. Kris and Bill will offer specific how-tos for increasing the amount of prayer by your membership.

Head, Heart, Hands: Teaching for Life Change. For decades church leaders have operated under the presumption that if those in the pews just “knew” how to be an effective disciples of Jesus Christ, that would change the world. Adult educators, however, know differently. It’s not what we know, it’s what we put into practice that counts. This week, Drs. Kris and Bill explore effective adult discipleship that results in life changing practices.