Sunday, 23 February, 2025

Lively Conversations On Life, Church, and Church-Life

Leadership Training Videos

New Episode
Wednesday, 10 AM Central

Tag: worship

Resurrecting Church GrowthChurch Growth has pretty much taken it on the chin. From the darling of the sixties and seventies, the whole movement was pretty much tossed aside by the nineties as so-much snake oil. But did we throw the Read more…

Barbeque First – Effectively Inviting Your Neigbors to ChurchMark Mittelberg said it first in Becoming a Courageous Christian and we’ve been saying it ever since: “Barbeque first.” That’s a shortcut code for “If you’re going to invite your neighbor to church, build a Read more…

Yes, Drs. Kris and Bill will talk today, hopefully in ways that will inspire and encourage their listeners to consider and venture further into the world of non-verbal communication. Join them today, during the season of sights, sounds, and multi-sensory Read more…

You may have noticed the slew of books that have been released over the past year or two on why men don’t do church. And though there are a lot of reasons why they don’t, it’s not a new problem. Read more…