Wednesday, 12 March, 2025

Lively Conversations On Life, Church, and Church-Life

Leadership Training Videos

New Episode
Wednesday, 10 AM Central

Tag: growth

Resurrecting Church GrowthChurch Growth has pretty much taken it on the chin. From the darling of the sixties and seventies, the whole movement was pretty much tossed aside by the nineties as so-much snake oil. But did we throw the Read more…

Whether you’re talking volunteer or thinking paid, congregational "staff" is a must. Join Drs. Kris and Bill for insights and information that will help you staff for significant growth.

Raising the Dead – Church Growth in Dying CommunitiesIt’s no longer true (if it ever was) that congregations cannot grow in dying communities. Indeed, if ever there is a need for strong, life-giving congregations, it’s in declining areas. In this Read more…

Size Transitions: Moving Through 350This week’s episode will explore moving past the 350 barrier, often called the Corporate-Sized Church. This is generally considered the most difficult transition for pastors to make. In their inimitable way, Bill and Kris will explore the Read more…