Monday, 24 February, 2025

Lively Conversations On Life, Church, and Church-Life

Leadership Training Videos

New Episode
Wednesday, 10 AM Central

Category: Church Growth

Got a Stuck Church? Here are tools to get out of the rut and into the fast lane.

Let’s say you get a half-dozen first-time visitors walk through your doors at any given worship service. How many of them are returning next week? If you’re not keeping over 50% of them, there’s a problem and it’s probably one of two things. It could be you’re not offering what they’re looking for in terms of experiential worship. The other problem, which is VERY common is that your follow-up isn’t effective. How do you get contact information from your guests and what do you do with it once you get it? That’s the topic of this episode of Church-Talk Live.

Small Church ThinkingThe power of positive thinking may be overrated (or may not be), but there is no arguing that our attitudes have a huge impact on our lives. The same is true for the church. One of the reasons Read more…

The power of vision. Every leadership guru reminds us (constantly) that Proverbs says that without vision the people will perish. Great words, but what does that really mean and if it’s true, then how can church leaders put the power of vision to work? This week, Drs. Kris and Bill explore the power of vision, how to find it, and implement it. 

Summer’s Coming: Will it Be Slump or Jump?We hear it every year. “We have to scale back our programming starting in June because of the summer slump.” Apparently, everyone in church takes the same weeks off during the summer for Read more…