Monday, 24 February, 2025

Lively Conversations On Life, Church, and Church-Life

Leadership Training Videos

New Episode
Wednesday, 10 AM Central

Category: Church Growth

Got a Stuck Church? Here are tools to get out of the rut and into the fast lane.

Two Ministries That Grow ChurchesThere are hundreds of things that can keep a church from growing. But if you want to ensure your church’s future by reaching young families, there are only two ministries that grow churches. In this episode, Read more…

Making Friends Beyond Church: A How-To PrimmerOne of the reasons long-term church members are ineffective in the inviting-people-to-church ministry is that for the most part, over the years, they’ve already invited everyone they know. Fact is, the same holds true Read more…

Grow Your Church with Social MinistryThere’s been a rumor going around since the 1950s or so that the mission of the church is to engage in social ministries. The corollary of that rumor is that churches that focus on social Read more…

What To Do When … You’ve Reached Capacity“Seems like a nice problem to have. Wish it was true here!” Surprisingly, even small and struggling churches need to deal with the perception … or the reality … that there’s not enough Read more…