Goal setting seems to be a foreign concept for most people – pastors included. And a leader without goals isn’t really leading … they’re just marking time. In this lively episode, Drs. Kris and Bill have a conversation about vision, Read more…
Category: Leadership
Churches host events that are designed to get those in the community involved with the church. Trunk-or-Treat, Easter Egg Hunts, Back to School Festivals, and Vacation Bible School. But are these events effective in turning event guests into Sunday morning Read more…
With over 85% of US churches in some stage of decline, it can be easy to get stuck in “Survival Mode.” Dr. Kris adapted Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and shows how a church can move from Stuck in Survival to Read more…
Failure is the most common human experience. But it’s also the root of every success. In this episode, Drs. Kris and Bill have a lively conversation about failure and what to do about it! Podcast Version Additional Resources: